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    Petra S.* Mother of a Student at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas, Lithuania

    Dear Mrs. Siepel,

    I’ m happy to answer your questions, at least from my point of view. Laura* is now in the exam marathon before the end of the semester. Up to now she has done well.

    She likes the degree very much, as well as the small working groups. On the whole, she is convinced she has chosen the right degree.

    Of course, life in Lithuania required some adjustment, but having lived abroad before helped her. She likes the city of Kaunas, particularly because there are many young people, it is a student city. She is sharing a big flat with two of her fellow students.

    As the mother of a student who was interested but was living abroad, and being the one who had to fulfil the requirements (apostilles, translations, etc.), I believe the cooperation with MSE was very positive. I was able to ask every question I had -and I had many- without feeling that I was being “annoying”. It was very useful to have a contact person who was extremely mindful.


    Kind regards, Petra S.*

    *The names have been changed by request.
