Anna Likes the Classes

Hello good afternoon, First of all I want to thank you for helping me to make my dream of studying medicine come true. Kaunas is a very nice town, quiet and with many international students. I like the university and the study course. Now we have just begun with anatomy and I like it very much, because it is more practice-oriented than other classes. We also have other lectures and laboratory classes afterwards. The class schedule is very good. What I most like …

Lisa-Christin Feels Really Comfortable in Riga

Hello, I incredibly like it here! Riga itself is an incredibly beautiful city and with the enormous amount of international students, you do not have to feeling of being abroad at all. The concept of the university, with small learning groups, is very effective. You can notice that the number of students increased in the last few years for each semester and that some facilities were constructed for a smaller number of students initially. All in all I am very satisfied with my …

The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences is Awesome

Good evening, First of all I want to thank you for making it possible that I can be here. The university itself is really brilliant – but to be allowed to study with so many students from all possible countries in a foreign country is more than a possibility – really awesome! After receiving rejection after rejection in my homeland, I already thought about throwing the towel and to bury my dream of studying medicine. But thanks to you and …

Bernd H., Father of an applicant, about the Service of MSE

Dear Mrs. Siepel, my daughter has matriculated in Vienna today, her desired place. Many thanks for your great effort. I can answer the question as follows: 1) How was the guidance at MSE in your opinion? The advice by MSE was outstanding and target-aimed. The suggestions, accompanied by efforts, could be fulfilled. 2) For which universities have you / your daughter applied? Kaunas and Kosice. 3) Have you participated in a preparation course, organized by MSE? Was it helpful for the …

Comment of David V., student at the University of Kosice

Hi! I must say that the first weeks here in Kosice have been totally incredible, the environment is great and the university has the best facilities and new material. At first I was not sure if I would feel like home from the first day and now I am totally convinced that such an economic effort will be worthwhile. Kind regards David V.