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    Studying Medicine – USA VS. Europe

    studying medicine USA VS. EuropeYou are interested in studying medicine but you just recently heard about the possibility to study medicine in Europe? You want to get know more about the admission, the tuition fees, the quality and the requirements? No problem, here we have compiled the most important facts for you:

    1. You do not need to complete a pre-med education in contrast to North America. Beyond that, also the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test for prospective medical students in the USA and Canada) is not important for a successful admission at European universities.
    1. In Europe you will get a high-quality education at affordable tuition. In the US or Canada you will pay approximately 400,000$ to 800,000$ for the complete education. In Europe, at our partner universities, you will pay 6 to 12.5 times less, namely 32,000$ to 130,000$.
    1. The universities are very prestigious and do not lack modern technology or teaching methods. Some universities even apply the “problem-based-learning” like many universities in the US and Canada handle it. Of course the degree program for international students is offered in English. Many of our partner universities belong to the best universities in Europe.
    1. You will not be the only international student there, since many students from all over the world study in Europe.
    1. The length of studies is also a great advantage in Europe! The whole education, including residency, will take you 8-10 year, in the USA it will be 11-15 year with residency. This is due to the needed undergraduate degree in North America and the longer period of residency.

    As you can see, studying medicine in Europe will only give you many advantages, as the universities offer the same quality education at a more affordable tuition. If you need more details, contact our expert study advisers!


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