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    Martin D., Student at the LUHS

    The educational facilities of the LUHS are great, the professors are very helpful, friendly and take time to answer questions. The atmosphere in the lectures is very comfortable and often fun, as many teachers have a good sense of humour. Also, if the students, the teacher or the technology make small mistakes, they are quite calm about it. The lessons are very interesting and the practical work is very enjoyable. From the time point of view, we usually have a free evening to go out with our friends. During this time we can also speak about other things not related to the degree, which is very positive, as it shows that the degree does not dominate over everything else. The language is also an interesting part of the studies. From the beginning you have the possibility to participate in public life with small but helpful sentences. All in all, I am very satisfied with the university and my degree in Kaunas.

    The cooperation with MSE was always very good. The advice was excellent and, above all, very accommodating. When I had questions I was called immediately and my e-mails were immediately answered. Also when compiling the application documents I felt well supported. I never felt they had left me standing alone. When I had questions I could call any time.

    The advisors have always been able to fight my nervousness thanks to their calm, considered manners. Also, the advisors always lent an ear for the occasional personal doubts about the degree and illustrated the subject from both points of view.

    The coordination of the entrance exam, i. e. sending the dates, hotels, preparation material, etc., was also good. Every situation was well prepared.

    Kind regards
    Martin D.

    Student at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas
    Kaunas, Lithuania
    Graduation Year 2019
