Riga Stradins Universität

RSU Accreditation and Recognition

study-medicine-at-riga-stradinsThe universities, including the Rīga Stradiņš University, are nationally accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science, with the presence of international experts. The degrees of the RSU are officially being accredited every six years. In addition, all the degrees in regulated professions, such as medicine and dentistry, are developed in compliance with the EU-guidelines on regulated professions.

In short – the fact that it is a public, officially accredited university, guarantees the recognition of the degrees acquired at the Rīga Stradiņš University in all EU and EEA Member States, according to the Convention of LisbonThe RSU is also included in the WHO list of medical higher education institutions.

The degrees acquired at RSU are recognized in several states of the USA and some Asian countries – Sri Lanka, China, India, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Jordan.


Notes regarding the accreditation and recognition of the degree:
You have doubts about the recognition of the degree in your country? It is the easiest way to directly address the responsible authorities or professional associations in the respective country for more information about the conditions and the complete registration and recognition of the degree.