Medical Universiry Bialystok

The City of Białystok

Bialystok is the capital of the Podlaskie Voivodeship in Poland and is located in the northeast of the country. It is 112 miles far from the capital Warsaw. The city is the most important Polish transport stop on the line section of the Rail Baltica, running from Warsaw to Kaunas/Vilnius. Białystok is located rather rural, but has a significant importance in the fields of engineering and in the electro, metal and beer industry.

The city has several universities and thus attracts many international students year after year. It is thus the educational center in the whole surrounding region and especially interesting for young adults.

Białystok has many sights, which strongly shape the cityscape. Absolutely worth seeing are the baroque town hall, the Branicki Palace – the wonderful building, in which the school of medicine is located and where your training will take place – and the cathedral ensemble.

As a home to many students, Białystok has much to offer: a brisk infrastructure, many tourist attractions and in contrast to that a distinct nature, which serves for the recreation. In the city you will find many opportunities in order to organize your leisure time, be it in the field of sports, culture, shopping or nightlife – Białystok has to offer something of everything, so that you can organize your leisure time diversified and interesting – just what you fancy to do at the moment.