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    Last Places for the Preparation Course „Pre-Med“

    Last Places for the Preparation Course „Pre-Med“Our partner – the Iberian College International (ICI) – has just announced that there are last places for the preparation course „Pre-Med“. The course is taking place from February 29th to March 18th in Alicante, Spain. During the past few years, many of our applicants have participated in the course and successfully completed it!

    Our experience with the ICI and its preparatory course are, without exception, positive, so that we can only recommend our applicants to participate in this course. The three-week course will help you, if you want to prepare for admission exams of our partner universities or for the start of your studies. During the course, the participants will get a deep insight into the medical relevant subjects biology, chemistry and physics. English will be the language of instruction, so that there will be no language barrier.

    We have adjusted our admission exam dates especially for this course: On the following days of the course (March 19th) you can take the admission exam for some of our universities directly in Alicante! We can just recommend this to you, because within three weeks you can hereby ensure your desired university place. It is easy as that! A big advantage is also that the course content is still very present, which will help you taking the exam successfully. Hereby your chances for admission increase many times over, because if you pass the admission exam, you will definitely get a university place

    You are curious? Here you will find one of our news about last year’s course!

    If you are interested, please conctact us!


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