Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University

About the Czech Republic

Country name: Czech Republic (Česká republika)
Climate: Transitional between oceanic influenced climate to continental
Geographical location: Between 12 and 19 degrees East longitude and 48 and 51 degrees North latitude. The Czech Republic shares a border with Poland (approximately 500 miles) as well as with Austria, Poland, and Slovakia.
Area: 30,450 square miles
Capital: Prague, with 1.3 million inhabitants
Population: 10.53 million, growth rate 0.19 percent, ethnic composition 90.1 percent Czech, 3.7 percent Moravian and Silesian, 1.8 percent Slovaks, 0.5 percent Polish, 0.4 percent Germans, 3.4 percent others. Roughly 200,000 – 300,000 Roma live in Czech Republic (approx. 2-3 percent).
Official language: Czech
Religion: 59 percent without affiliation, 27 percent Roman-Catholic, 1.2 percent Evangelic, 1.0 percent Czech-Hussite, 0.2 percent Orthodox

The Czech Republic has many historical territories like Bohemia, Moravia and Czech Silesia. The Czech state itself has been formed in the late 9th century. The beautiful city of Prague is its capital with more than 1.2 million inhabitants. The Czech Republic has very high living standards and a high income economy.

Especially Prague is a very beautiful and lovely city, not just in terms of its cityscape but also in regard to all the oppotunities it offers, be it in the field of free time, sports, shopping, culture or art. Each year, many tourists go to Prague in order to visit the city with this special charm and atmosphere.

The Czech Republic has almost 75 universities all in all, out of which 46 are private universities. The biggest university is the Charles University with more than 48,000 students, followed by the  Masaryk University with more than 36,000 students. The Palacky University has about 20,000 students.